Welcome on VOG club forum
Since 2010, vogavecmoi has been the reference site for co-navigation or scholarship for team members on the internet. In addition to offering thousands of sailing and meeting opportunities thanks to our community of 100957 team members and boat owners. With this sailing forum, members of vogavecmoi.com can discuss collectively on shared navigation issues and more generally on all subjects concerning the practice of sailing and pleasure boating, in particular: advice on the stock market to crew members, testimonials of good and bad experiences, safety advice at sea, recommendations for nautical equipment, berths, co-ownership, internet on board, rallies, flotillas, yachtsmen's associations, precautions to take when you are a co - navigator, recommendation of books and nautical works, small ads for sale...
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Pour info création d'une association qui a pour but de faire naviguer ensemble valides et invalides,
Faire passer le lien
Pour une bonne cause,
D'avance, merci.
73 reviews
Super Coboater
249 forum posts
l'association fait naviguer quel type de handicapés?
lors de ma formation de prof de voile à Antibes, j'ai eu des groupes d'aveugles,de paraplégique,et tétraplégique.
A+ Laurent
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